1B The “New” Drug War: Implications for the U.S. Overdose Crisis, the Post-Dobbs Abortion Landscape, and the Public’s Health
June 5, 2024 01:15PM 02:30PM Room 1A
- Benjamin A. Barsky, Harvard Law School Project on Disability, Preventive Criminal Law Beyond Cops
- Leo Beletsky and Katelyn McCreedy, Northeastern University School of Law,
The New Drug War is the Same as the Old: Racial Sentencing Disparities in Drug-Induced Homicide Convictions - Taleed El-Sabawi, St. Louis University, The New Drug War
- Maya Manian, American University Washington College of Law, The “New” Drug War and the Regulation of Reproductive Healthcare
- Jennifer Oliva, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, The “New” Drug War: Implications for the U.S. Overdose Crisis, the Post-Dobbs Abortion Landscape, and the Public’s Health