6E Reproductive Health Care and Hospital Risk (Mis)management
June 6, 2024 04:15 pm 05:45 pm Room 1B
Denene Wambach, Moderator
- Elizabeth Reiner Platt, The Law, Rights, and Religion Project, Columbia Law School, Hospital Abortion Policies Pre-Dobbs
- Nadia Sawicki, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Hospital Counsel and Institutional Commitments to Patient Care
- Michelle Oberman, Santa Clara University School of Law, Abortion Counseling and the Challenge of Right-Sizing Legal Risk in the Dobbs Era
- Melissa Ballengee Alexander, University of Wyoming College of Law, Medication Abortion Reversal Bans: Politics, Policy, and Professional Regulation
- Evelyn Tenenbaum, Albany Law School; Albany Medical College, Wrongful Selection as an Alternative to Wrongful Birth in Cases Involving Late Onset Genetic Conditions