Shavonnie Carthens, J.D., is an Assistant Professor in the J. David Rosenberg College of Law at the University of Kentucky where she teaches Healthcare Organizations and Finance, Public Health Law and Equity, and Civil Procedure. Her scholarly interests examine issues of public health law and health equity, with a focus on the ways in which the law can be a tool for improving access to healthy living environments for marginalized communities. Her commitment to environmental health justice is seen in her work as a partner of the Louisville’s Environmental Health Literacy Coalition. The Coalition’s “Air Justice” project analyzes the impact of air pollution on the environment, with the aim of creating resources that make the information around environmental justice and health equity more accessible for public audiences. Carthens is also a member of Kentucky Resources Council’s Environmental Health and Justice Working Group and has contributed to discussions around public health law and health equity by being a regular speaker for universities and community organizations.
Presentation (PPTX format): The UBN Project: A Transdisciplinary Approach To Aligning Comprehensive Planning Legislation With Public Health Aims